Dutch Hollow's Simply Wild, RN SH TKN TKI (ptd) (TD Certified)
(CH Bruno Banani Belle Mare x BOSS GCH Dutch Hollow's Simply Charming, CD, WC, RA, MH, TDX, VPM) Eyes Cleared Annually; OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal; PennHip DI: .3 and .34.; Echocardiogram Normal; EIC, MCD, SD2, D-Locus & HNPK Clear; PRA & CNM Clear by Parentage, Copper Tox Clear, Protective Mutation Positive; Long Coated Gene Carrier. 6/25/16-5/28/2024
"Willie" was a character larger than life. He loved to make everyone laugh and never had a bad day. He grounded me, helping me remember that most things don't really matter. I will miss this boy as he left us much too early due to an aggresive form of cnacer. Rest well big boy.
Dutch Hollow's Silver Lining, WC, AWC, JH, SH, MH, TD, TDX, CC (Retired)
(CH Gateway's Paint the Town x Dutch Hollow Storm Cat, CD, SH, AWC, VPM) Eyes Cleared; Hip & Elbow Prelims Normal, Spayed. Whelped 8/3/06
"Sylvia" was always into something, but dirty laundry was her favorite. She was the most devoted dog I have ever had so losing her has left a big void. She loved field work, but often "worried" about situations or strangers. Through persistence and determination we both got her Masters on one very proud day. She passed away quietly at 16 1/2. What a grand old girl she was! Photo by Nancy Bass
Dutch Hollow's Whistling Dixie, AWC, MH, CC
(CH Dutch Hollow's Tip Top, CD, TD, AWC, SH x Don's Dixie Darlin III, MH) PennHIP Score .32/.36, EIC & CNM Clear, OFA Good, Elbows Normal, Eyes Cleared. Spayed. Whelped 12/27/07
"Emmy " was a field/show cross who I enjoyed training and campaigning. She began her field work as a baby and finished her JH at the ripe old age of 10 months, her Senior and Master titles easily. She was an excellent marker and a very stylish retriever. Emmy finished her Senior Hunter in May 2011 and her Master title in August 2012. Unfortunately she sustained an injury which forced me to retire her after finishing her Master Hunter title. Emmy was a sweet, devoted, follow you anywhere type of girl, never demanding of anything. She will be missed.
CT Dutch Hollow's True Blue, CC, AWC, SH
(CH Surrey Ducktales Masquerade, JH, WC x Dutch Hollow's Cure the Blues, JH) Eyes Cleared Annually; Whelped 4/3/06; EIC, CNM & D-Locus Clear, Optigen: PRA Normal & Clear, PennHip Scores .23/hip; OFA Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Normal
"Trudy" was sweet girl and a wonderful Mama. She whelped and raised all her puppies without my help. She loved puppies to the point that she helped other Mamas, nursing and cleaning their puppies too. She was a great tracking dog, earning all three tracking titles and her Championship in five tests. She earned her TD in her first tracking test at 13 months, then her TDX at her first TDX test before she was 2 and her JH 5 months later in 4 straight tests. After retiring from motherhood, we went back to work, finishing her Senior Hunter title and then her VST and CT in only three tries. She has left me with a promising son & daughter plus two special granddaughters who all love tracking and field work as much as she did. She has been a joy and will truly be missed.
Dutch Hollow's Charismatic, WCX, MH, CD, RE, (ptd)
(BISS CH Touchstone August Reign at Dutch Hollow, RN, CD, JH, WC x Dutch Hollow Storm Cat, CD, AWC, SH, VPM)
OFA Excellent, PennHIP Score .32/hip, Elbows Normal, Eyes Cleared, Whelped 3/08/03
"Carrie" is a very versatile girl with lots of drive in the field and plenty of animation in the breed ring. She ended her show career with 13 singles due to a C-section/spay She has multiple Specialty class wins and placements, including RWB under Mrs. Satterwaite at the 2004 LRC National as a young girl. When showing in the Veteran Class, she won Best Veteran and Select Bitch at the Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club Specialty in 2012, she won her Veterans class at the LRC National 2012 and won an Award of Merit at the LRC National in the Best of Breed ring among 33 champions at the ripe old age of 9. She loves to work and shows her soundness earning two LRC Dog for All Reasons Awards and two Up to The Challenge Awards in 2012 and 2013. This Augie x Kitty daughter is my dream girl. LOVE HER."
Photo by Kristin Stefek
U-CH Dutch Hollows City Slicker,AWC,JH,TD, RA (By) (Maj Ptd)
(CH Gateway's Paint the Town x Dutch Hollow Storm Cat, CD, SH, AWC, VPM). BY. PennHip Scores: .48/.52 OFA LR-178602F28M; Elbows Normal; Eyes Cleared Annually; Heart Normal, Optigen A-, EIC Carrier, D-Locus Clear. Whelped 8/3/06 .
Tyler was such a sweet, handsome man who loved attention in the show ring and the field. He earned 12 AKC show points including one Major and his UKC Championship, shame on me for not finishing him. Ty produced beautiful puppies who are keeping me busy in the ring and fields.
Picture by Patty Streufert
OFA Good, PennHIP Score .52/hip, Elbows Normal, Eyes Cleared, 12/11/01-5/15/14 "Kitty" was a feminine bitch with lots of retrieving drive and working ability. She was pointed in the breed ring and received several Specialty placements including Best Bred By at the 2003 Shawnee Mission LRC show under Jens Eric Sonderup of Denmark. She was an excellent producer giving us many talented puppies who earned her the first Versatile Producer of Merit Award given to her by the National Labrador Retriever Club. She was very special and is dearly missed. |
"Peaches", born on Friday the 13th, had a rough start as the only surviving puppy in her litter. She was my special soulmate with a strong desire to please; finished her CD with a High Lab in Trial award. She loved to track and did so with great focus and determination. She was a happy, devoted woman who taught me a ton. Miss you "Peachy". |
MBISS CH Touchstone August Reign at Dutch Hollow, WC, CD, JH, RN
BPISS CH Dutch Hollow's Tip Top, AWC, SH, CD, TD