I have suspended my rescue work at this time. I occasionally receive requests for dogs and will refer requesting parties to dogs available at other rescue centers.
Call or email Sandy McMillan for further details.
Dutch Hollow has been a safe haven for over 350 rescued and needy dogs. "Giving Back" has enabled me to learn how to read canine body language and learn techniques to help rehabilitate and re-home unfortunate, poorly socialized, untrained, misunderstood or frustrated dogs. Using concepts taught by Pat Miller, Cesar Milan, Karen Pryor, Jean Donaldson, Suzanne Clothier and Patricia McConnell, I continue to offer evaluation and training for problem dogs. Many issues are rooted in the relationship between the dog and his owner, so making changes in an owner's approach is the surest way to modify a dog's behavior. Part of my rehabilitative efforts include daily runs with a balanced, trained pack to build a proper pack leader relationship, to reduce stress, to improve fitness, to promote good canine social skills, and to practice obedience skills. Residential behavior modification is available on a limited basis.
Training Fees:
Initial Evaluation & Training Plan: $50
Private Lessons: $50/hour
Residential Training: $200 / Week (no weekends)
$250 / Week (Including weekends)
Seminar for Groups: Cost Negotiable Plus Expenses
Call or email Sandy McMillan for further details, assessment, appointment or training schedule. Feedback "Forever Grateful"
Canine Solutions / Dutch Hollow Labradors, an Illinois Licensed facility, offers an in home boarding service for large breed dogs. Doggie stays include play time in a safe fenced yard alone or with a small group of compatible, supervised dogs. We offer daily walks in the country where running free is safe. New dogs are taught to stay with the group and to come when called before trusted to run loose with the others. Interested dogs frequently have access to swimming water. When not outdoors, dogs are kept in a kennel room in our cool comfortable basement. Space is limited, reservations required.
Supply of Dog's own food
Current Rabies Vaccination
Current Distemper Booster
Bordetella Intranasal (recommended)
Bedding (as desired)
Current Flea & Heartworm treatment
Completed Residential Questionnaire & Agreement
No Females in season accepted
Residential Agreement (Select for Form)
Residential Questionnaire (Select for Form)
Standard Boarding: $30/dog/day
Includes three play time periods outdoors, feeding twice daily and a daily walk.
Standard Plus: $40/dog/day
Includes three play periods outdoors, feeding twice daily, obedience training daily and a daily walk.
Nails: $3/dog
Baths: $6/dog (includes ear cleaning)
Multiple dog discount available.
Special rates for rescue dogs adopted from Canine Solutions Feedback "Forever Grateful"
At Dutch Hollow, dogs are evaluated to establish current training level, then a customized training program is developed to achieve the owner's goals. Each dog's basic training program includes basic obedience, bird handling skills and marking on both land and water settings. Dogs can participate in a residential training program or can be owner trained with private and group training sessions. Training categories and skills taught at each level are:
Basic (Junior/ Puppy)
Basic Obedience
E-collar Conditioning
Land and Water Singles
Force Training/Proper Bird Handling
Introduction to Guns, Decoys & Holding Blinds
Exposure to Varying Terrain and Cover
Advanced Level 1 (Senior)
Off Leash Obedience
Walk Up Marks
Steadiness on the Line
Simple Land and Water Doubles
Sitting to the Whistle
Handling Drills
Pile Work
Casting, Overs and Backs
Baseball Drills
Wagon Wheel Drills
Swim-By Water Handling Drills
Water Decheating Drills
Sight Blinds
Simple Senior Blinds, Land and Water
Advanced Level 2 (Master)
Land and Water Triples
Inline Marks
Hip Pocket Marks
Wipe Out Birds
Breaking Birds
Handling on Marks
Delayed Marks
Inverted Triples
Out-of-Order Triples
Retired Gunners
Exposure to Increasingly Difficult Variations of Terrain, Wind & Cover
Advanced Handling Drills
Double "T" Field
Angle Backs
Blind Concepts
Double Blinds
Blinds Under the Arc of the Fall
Poison Bird Blinds
Diversion Birds
Training Fees:
Initial Evaluation & Training Plan: $50
Private Lessons: $50/hour
Residential Training: $200 / Week (no weekends)
$250 / Week Including weekends)
Training with Group: $10/Session/Dog
Live Flyers: Priced Per Bird at Purchase Rate
Seminar for Groups: Cost Negotiable Plus Expenses "An Amateur's Map to Master"
Call or email Sandy McMillan for further details, assessment, appointment or training schedule. Feedback "Forever Grateful"